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Hi, my dear! Schön, dass du hier bist! 

If you're here, you must have received the link via a text. That means you're either one of my 10 friends who told me a couple of times to write about my daily experiences. And since I am an exceptional friend and your wish is my command, here we are!!!!! Yeeey!!!!! (Sorry for the excessive exclamation points, but I am finally doing it!!!!!! Yeeeyy!!! I'm excited!!) 

For those of you who don't know me in real life - I don't have a posh life. On contrary, my life is more or less a series of awkward and embarrassing moments, separated by snacks and naps. But my friends think all these moments are funny - or that I am funny, or that I tell the stories in a funny way. I don't really remember, to be honest. People talk a lot. I don't listen all the time because sometimes people are boring and I also like to talk a lot. Hence the need to have a blog.

So...I have stories to tell and I hope at least one of those 10 friends will find the time to read this blog. Cristina, you know I am talking about you!

Liebe Grüße aus Berlin,



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